Undeniable lover of locs for YEARS I finally took the plunge January of 2009. It has been an adventure beyond my belief. I am loving every minute of it.

Monday, February 11, 2013


So, I guess I have resorted to annual posts about my hair.  Three years in and loving it.  Funny thing is I keep hearing of loc-heads I used to watch when I was starting out who are cutting off their locs and either starting over or giving up the loc life altogether.  I am so grateful for the videos and blogs they posted which aloud me to peer into their loves and learn from the experiences they shared.  But is makes me wonder if I too will grow weary of my locs at about years 5 - 7.  I changed my straight hair very often.  I wonder if I will get tired of my locs like I did of all of the straight styles I had.  Oh well, only time will tell.

But for now I am still LOVIN' MY LOCS!!!!!

Check out the pic in the next post.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Taking time out

I am sitting at my son's impromptu school dodge ball tourney. I really should be studying or cleaning house or something. Or at least that is what my practical mind is telling. But my mother's heart is telling/compelling me to take this time out to enjoy my family while they are here in my house. This time in their lives is going by so quickly. God knows I love me some them.

Taking time out❕

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Me? Vegan?

What the what, was I thinking? No, but seriously, changing this 43 year long method of eating is requiring more than just a decision. It takes a memory too. Someone offered me a bite of a steak I put that hunk of carnage in my mouth, it tasted sooooooo good. Then I remembered, oops I don't eat that. o_O Oh well, one bite does not a backslider make.

Today, I get to lead the praise and worship at my church. I am always amazed that I am even holding a mic. But I vowed to give God everything He paid for. So gotta go.


Friday, March 9, 2012

Ever changing/rearranging me

Hello All! It's been quite a while since I last wrote so here goes. I'm just going to pick up where I am.

So, I have put myself in a situation to find out what I can and can't do. I have some relatively small fibroids but their station causes me a bit of difficulty an certain "times" (wink, wink). After watching a few you tube videos about the subject I have found a few you tubers who have changed their diet to exclude animal products. They have had measurable success in the reduction of the fibroids and the symptoms related to uterine fibroids. So, that is where I am headed. I was successful last week at maintaining the vegan diet. This week not so much. But I'm back to my senses. I will just plead temporary insanity due to my hormonal state during this particular week. ;) I have got to find some different comfort foods.

Changing my perspective to look at things, particularly my health, the way God sees them is my focus for this transition and beyond. I have come to trust that He knows what is best for me. Far more than I could ever see, the whole picture is what He has in His view. So my goal is to stay in His plan and allow Him to show me the perspective to apply to my life.

How are you doing?

Friday, June 24, 2011

My how time flies!!!

Maybe I should change my blog name to "my how time flies". It just seems to be the theme or at least the beginning line of each posting.

Enough of that. Now, down to business. I have been loc'd now for 17 months. I have noticed, as most locers say, a significant change in me. My way of thinking and my outlook. My world view has broadened to the point that I am happy to be me. I see my place in the world and I am ready to get to it. I don't know if that would make sense to just the average person who would happen to read this post. I simply can't think of a better way to put it. I won't dare say it's the locs. I will say it is beginning the locs that propelled me into this acceptance of me. The great thing is; it's just a piece of a fantastic voyage that is leading me down a road I am completely ecstatic about.

To the vainer side of locs. They are long enough now that I can put them up see:

At one of my fav spots "daydreaming"

Non-locs update. My daughter graduated from HS. OMG! I can't believe my baby is "grown". For the last couple of days we have been at her school of choice for orientation for the fall. Wow, how overwhelming all of this information has been. So much for her to digest and know by Autumn quarter. She will do very well, of that I am confident. I am so confident of her impending success because I have every confidence in God. He promised that if He began the work He would finish it. He got her this far, He will take her all the way. Man I love that girl, should I say, young woman. She is pretty amazing!

This of her on her Senior pictures shoot.


Love till later!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Ok as I promised (myself) here is at least one pic of my hair now. I did a twist out for the first time ever. I have to say I really liked it.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Just an awakening!

The other day a friend of mine leaves me a voice mail. She said she really sensed a shift happening in our local church. This statement immediately settled within me. I heard it loud and clear. I have been sensing the same thing for a while. Not just in our church though, in the body of Christ at large.

This post is very different from all of my other posts. I just feel a great push to document this within the parameters of this blog simply as a line in the sand. This friend of my is great at challenging me to keep moving forward. To allow God to work in and through me to accomplish what He has designed for me from the very inception of time.

I will, I am, positioning myself for this shift. Please do likewise. Whatever it is you sense God telling, showing, compelling you to do; do IT! In other words, PUSH!

PUSH past all of your old perceptions. Don't allow what you already know to color or contaminate what new is coming to you. Many times I have the propensity to allow my understanding to operate in the same mode it has in the past when I encounter new information. I have committed to stop that. I will look at things from God's perspective. But foremost I will ask Him to lend me His perspective on every matter that concerns me or my children.

PUSH past all that you fear. I will no longer allow what I think may happen to hold me back from doing things I know He has planned for me to do. I will not be limited by my own strength nor my concept of it.

PUSH all the way into where God is showing you to go.